Reseller of Vinrose?
Vinrose releases a collection for boys and girls twice a year. A trendy collection consisting of different themes that can be optimally combined. We design our collections six months in advance, in order to respond more up-to-date to trends.
As a buyer or retailer, you are probably busy enough already. You have a store to fill and keep running. Today's consumer is more vocal than ever and has ever higher demands. Investing in new collections is more exciting than ever. And in between, your phone is probably ringing red and your mailbox is bulging. Unfortunately we cannot help you with all this. However, we can do everything we can to keep our collaboration as simple as possible; without empty promises and without hassle.
It is possible to place a pre-order with us, but because we have everything in stock, this is not mandatory. You can therefore also compile your order from stock with us. Become a reseller? Then you will receive your own login and access to our B2B platform. Simply select, add, confirm and done. We also don't make it difficult about reordering. How easy is that?